Robyn Herron Named HFL’s June Player of the Month
By jess

Heart of America Fastpitch League (HFL) is excited to spotlight Robyn Heron as the June player of the month. Heron was previously a pitcher with the Wichita Mustangs.
The 2022 pitcher has racked up six straight shutouts since 6/30/2021. Not a surprise for one of the top pitchers in Florida who has dominated the circle. Herron is committed to and now a player at Arkansas in the SEC.
The lefty got started in softball because her brother played baseball and she wanted to be just like him! “I fell in love with the game and with being a pitcher. I then started playing travel back with teams in the Tampa. Bay area, and eventually made. The jump to play for the Wichita Mustangs and never looked back since,” said Herron.
Her favorite softball memory is pitching 16 out of 19 innings in a regional semifinal game in high school to go to the regional finals.
From all of us at the Alliance and the HFL, congratulations to Robyn Herron for her achievements.
What is the Alliance Fastpitch Player Recognition Program?
The Player Recognition Program was built to recognize and spotlight our individual players in each Member League. Each month, registered Alliance Fastpitch coaches can nominate a player from their age division. League Leadership will review nominations and a monthly stats report from AthletesGoLive (AGL) to determine the League’s Player of the Month.
Following the announcement of each League’s Players of the Month, the Alliance Fastpitch will recognize a National Player of the Month.
To be considered for Player of the Month, your team must score League games in AGL so your stats will be included in the League’s monthly report.