By jess

Eva B copy

As part of the Alliance Fastpitch Player Recognition Program, we are pleased to honor Pacific Coast Fastpitch League (PCFL) outfielder, Eva Bustamante of Athletics Mercado (Tidd/Bustamante 09) as the Junior Player of the Month for her memorable performance in January.


Bustamante had an outstanding month at the plate with a .650 batting average. The 2027 stood out with a 1.567 OPS, 6 RBIS, 10 singles, 2 doubles, and 1 homerun.


Tell us a bit about your softball story! How’d you get started in the sport?

I started playing T-Ball with my brothers when I was 4 years old. I continued to play baseball with them until I turned 7. I switched to softball when my parents asked me to try it out, they described it as playing “baseball with all girls”. It was my first time playing an all-girl sport. I don’t have any sisters, so I really enjoyed making the close friendships on the field. I’ve been playing ever since.


What has been your favorite softball memory?

I have a ton of great Memories. My favorite memory so far, is the feeling of my first over the fence homerun, that happened to be a grand slam! A close second, favorite memory is when my teammate walked off, to advance our team to a PGF Championship game in Tennessee last year.


Who is your favorite softball player?

Kelli Godin, Go Bruins!


What do you like to do outside of softball?

I enjoy playing video games online with my brothers & girlfriends. I like playing backyard baseball & jumping into the pool when we hit the balls in! I love making origami figures and I really love to bake!



What are some of your current goals – both on and off the field? (Softball, school, other athletics, related, etc. all welcomed!)

I would like to become a robotics engineer. My dream career is to build Disneyland animatronics. I strive to maintain a 4.0 GPA. I am working hard to maintain a .500 batting average and higher. As well as keeping my team fired up in the dugout and talking to each other on the field.


Coaches Feedback

Tell us a bit about your athlete? As a player, person, etc.

Eva is a table setter for our team. She hits at the top of the line up with a high average with a lot of pop. She is very successful based on the plan she has, and the adjustments made prior to getting in the batters box. She has the ability to hit all types of pitchers and different pitches throw to her.

Do you have a favorite memory or moment of this athlete?

Probably when our team fell behind in the first bracket game in Arizona, where she stepped up and hit a homerun probably 240 to tie it up and get the momentum back on our side.


Is there anything else you’d like to share, include, or that we should know?

Eva is a feel-good player, meaning she keeps this sport a sport/game, and loves what she does. She always has a smile on her face and is a great teammate that loves to be challenged.



What is the Alliance Fastpitch Player Recognition Program?

The Player Recognition Program was built to recognize and spotlight our individual players in each Member League. Each month, registered Alliance Fastpitch coaches can nominate a player from their age division. League Leadership will review nominations and a monthly stats report from AthletesGoLive (AGL) to determine the League’s Player of the Month.

Following the announcement of each League’s Players of the Month, the Alliance Fastpitch will recognize a National Player of the Month. To be considered for Player of the Month, your team must score League games in AGL so your stats will be included in the League’s monthly report.