Cydney Sanders
Quick Facts
Nick Name: Cyd
Hometown: Escondido, California
College Signee: Arizona State
Member League:
Club Team: Corona Angels
Positions: 1B, 3B
Get to know her...
Rachel Garcia
Everything negative – pressure, challenges – is all an opportunity for me to rise. -Kobe Bryant
Playing Xbox
Arizona State
Coaching staff and I love the campus
Kobe Bryant and his mamba mentality
My Dad Tracy Sanders played in the minor leagues for 10 years and coached for 2 years he taught me everything I know
I want to be known as one of the greatest hitters to play the game.
I have been determined ever since I’ve been in the womb, my mom had a challenging pregnancy but due to our determination and hard work I am here today as a top player playing in the Alliance All American Game.