719BD9D7-8FA5-4809-AEF5-4E4153DAC6D1 - Jordan Woolery


Jordan Woolery

Quick Facts

Nick Name: J rayne, J, J dubs

Hometown: Concord, CA

College Signee: UCLA

Member League: PCFL LOGO

Club Team: Athletics Mercado

Positions: 1B/SS/3B

Get to know her...

Valerie Arioto

I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel- Maya Angelou

Weightlifting, listening to podcasts, i also love to cook


The coaching staff made me feel so loved from day 1. I also want to have the chance to win a national championship and I know after college with a UCLA degree i would be able to get a job anywhere.

Of course everyone wants to be remembered as a good player but I want to be remembered as the best teammate people have played with. No one will remember your stats in 20/30 years but they will always the remember the impact you had on them and how you made them feel.

Softball doesn’t define you; throughout these last two years i’ve learned to separate myself on the field from myself off the field. We get so wrapped up in the successes we see and what people say or their value of us through rankings and other things but softball is just what we do not who we are. I was faced with this when my success on the field took a hiatus. In my first fall season with Mercado I didn’t get a hit for probably 60 at bats and this was one of the lowest points in my softball career but i was faced with the challenge of still showing up for myself and my teammates.